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Our Values


Strong leadership and a solid company culture are paramount. At Gardian, our journey to define our core values began with a simple yet profound decision by our CEO in 2016. Let's explore how this journey unfolded and shaped the values we hold dear today.

The Spark of Leadership Growth

In 2016, our then CEO Peter made a pivotal decision: to educate himself on becoming a better leader. This quest for knowledge led him to "The CEO Institute" in Brisbane, a melting pot of ideas and experiences.

Monthly Meetings of Minds

Each month, Peter found himself among like-minded individuals from diverse backgrounds. These meetings were more than just networking events; they were:
  • Platforms for sharing ideas and information
  • Opportunities to challenge each other's perspectives
  • Sources of invaluable insights to bring back to Gardian
Under the guidance of Ben Kehoe, a respected Business Strategy Consultant, these sessions became a catalyst for change within our organization.

From Individual Growth to Company-Wide Values

The knowledge Peter gained didn't stay with him alone. It sparked a movement within our leadership team. We realized the need to:
  1. Create prominent company values
  2. Define behaviors we wanted to encourage
  3. Outline the type of people we wanted to work with

A Collaborative Approach to Value Creation

We didn't want our values to be dictated from the top down. Instead, we took a collaborative approach:
  1. Whole Group Workshop: We gathered as an entire company to discuss what we liked and disliked in colleagues and co-workers.
  2. Leadership Analysis: The leadership team then worked to group these attributes into broader themes.
  3. Consensus Building: We refined these themes into values that everyone could live by and support.

The Result: Our Six Core Values

After much discussion, reflection, and collaboration, we arrived at six core values that now define Gardian:
These values aren't just words on a wall. They're the principles that guide our decisions, shape our culture, and define who we are as a company.

Moving Forward

Creating our values was just the beginning. We continue to live and breathe these principles every day, ensuring that Gardian remains a place where people can thrive, grow, and enjoy their work.
We invite you to experience the Gardian difference - where our values shape every interaction, decision, and outcome.

1. Our Core Values - An overview of the fundamental principles that guide Gardian’s operations and culture.
2. Commitment to Integrity - Details on how Gardian maintains high ethical standards and transparency.
3. Customer-Centric Approach - Insights into how Gardian prioritizes customer satisfaction and service excellence.
4. Innovative Solutions - Information on Gardian’s dedication to innovation and staying ahead in the industry.
5. Community Engagement - A look at Gardian’s efforts and values related to community involvement and support.
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